theAndroidand使用 | android开发 2022-11-02 67 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(-Original English e-book- This book is an introduction to application development based on Android 4 mobile operating system. Wei MengLee has rich practical experience in project development and training of mobile operating system platform. He used the method of step by step guidance with rich pictures and texts to lead the layman into the vast world of Android, and also showed them a broader vision, avoiding the defect that beginners often have, that is, they can see only the trees but not the forest, which can be called a major feature. This book starts with the development of Android. Through a simple introduction to the key concepts, it uses many examples to synthesize the composition, playing mode and operating principle of Android application, and constructs a more complete Android development blueprint for readers. On this basis, the introduction of some high-end components and functions is introduced to clarify the direction for readers to further practice and develop high-value use, supplemented by exercises after each chapter. In addition to stabilizing the knowledge learned by the readers, the oral expression method throughout the book also narrows the gap between the book and the readers. Compared with the previous version, the Android 4.0 platform system used in this book has a new system unlock interface, and the small plug-ins have also been designed from scratch. The most special thing is that the system task manager can display the thumbnail of the program, so that users can accurately and quickly close useless programs. In general, the new version has a consistent UI framework, exchange and sharing capabilities, new connection types, new input methods and text services, and enhanced media management capabilities. In particular, it has done a lot of work in the use of programs and content security. To a certain extent, it complements the common shortcomings of open source platforms, and will bring users a new experience. This is undoubtedly the key for developers to overturn the use of new designs. Of course, for beginners, the system framework and principles of Android itself have not been introduced too much. Readers who want to have a deeper understanding of this can visit the Android community and massive Internet related resources. WHOTHISBOOKISFOR:ThisbookistargetedforthebeginningAndroiddeveloperwhowantstostartdevelopingapplicationsusingGoogle’sAndroidSDK. Totrulybenefitfromthisbook,youshouldhavesomebackgroundinprogrammingandatleastbefamiliarwithobject-orientedprogrammingconcepts. IfyouaretotallynewtoJava—thelanguageusedforAndroiddevelopment—youmightwanttotakeaprogrammingcourseinJavaprogrammingfirst,orgraboneofmanygoodbooksonJavaprogramming.Inmyexperience,ifyoualreadyknowC#orVB.NET,learningJavaisnottoomuchofaneffort; youshouldbecomfortablejustfollowingalongwiththeTryItOuts.Forthosetotallynewtoprogramming,Iknowthelureofdevelopingmobileappsandmakingsomemoneyistempting. However,beforeattemptingtotryouttheexamplesinthisbook,Ithinkabetterstartingpointwouldbetolearnthebasicsofprogrammingfirst.- Note: The book has been introduced and translated by Tsinghua University Press, and there are excerpts of Chinese translations on the site:/data/653103-)


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