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人脸可以theFace | android开发 2022-11-01 53 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

("Face recognition lock screen" is a magical Android unlocking software, which allows you to use your face as an unlocker, which is more interesting than password unlocking and graphic unlocking. You just need to use the front camera of your mobile phone to unlock it easily. As long as you have privacy that you don't want to be known by others, it can be maintained. Introduction to the functions of face maintenance lock software 1. An app that uses a face as a password to open the phone screensaver lock 2. It can not only be used as a screensaver lock, but also can independently maintain some important programs from being stolen, such as checking the face when detecting SMS messages 3. The photos of all the eavesdroppers will be recorded and can be immediately sent to other alarm mobile phone numbers and microblogs if necessary 4. You can search for photos and microblogs that are very similar to the face of the eavesdropper from the network to find out the identity of the eavesdropper. 5. If the night light is not good or the camera is not clear, you can also use a digital password to unlock)

