Androiddevelopmentprogrammingdroid | android开发 2022-10-31 61 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Resource introduction object: This course is designed for friends who want to become Android developers but have no programming experience. It can help you quickly understand Java programming technology. Features: 1. Designed for Android development without delay; 2. Zero basic courses (if you have some C language learning experience, it will be even better); 3. Coordination of knowledge and nonsense; The development tools and source code used in the video can be downloaded from: mars droid Author Weibo: sina: t.sina/marsandroid Tencent: t.qq/mars droid If you have mastered the basic knowledge of Java programming, you can download courses from the Android Development Video Tutorial to learn Android directly.)


上一篇:[Java4 Android]46_开发工具之Eclipse(一)
下一篇:[Java4 Android]48_开发工具之Eclipse(三)