(The earliest Android development team in China: the source code of the CD supporting the original book Easy to Understand Google Android, a classic work of E2ECloud, which I bought at my own expense! Those who want to learn how to get started with Android should hurry up! This document includes the following annexes:
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer MusicPlayService $1.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer MusicPlayService $CommandReceiver. class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer MusicPlayService.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer R $attr.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer R $drawable.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer R $id.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer R $layout. class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer R $string.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer R.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer TinyPlayer $1.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer TinyPlayer $2.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer TinyPlayer $UpdateReceiver. class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin com studio android TinyPlayer TinyPlayer.class
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin classs.dex
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin resources.ap_
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer bin TinyPlayer.apk
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer gen com studio android TinyPlayer R.java
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable background.9.png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable icon.png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable pause. png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable pauseselector.xml
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable pause_ down.png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable play.png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res draw playselector.xml
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable play_ down.png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable stop.png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res draw stopselector.xml
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res drawable stop_ down.png
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res layout main.xml
Easy to understand Google Android code TinyPlayer res values strings.xml