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原生Androidnativethe | android开发 2022-10-30 49 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Android NDK is also called "NDK" by Google because the word "native" is added in front of the SDK, that is, the Native Development Kit. Prior to this, third-party applications of the Android platform were developed based on the Java based Dalvik special virtual machine. The release of the native SDK allows developers to more directly touch Android system resources, write programs using traditional C or C  languages, and directly embed native library files in program package files (. apks). However, Google also said that using native SDK programming has some disadvantages compared with Dalvik virtual machine. For example, the program is more messy, compatibility is difficult to ensure, the Framework API cannot be accessed, and debugging is more difficult. Developers need to use at their own discretion. As we all know, Android programs run in the Dalvik virtual machine, and NDK allows users to use native code languages like C/C  to perform some programs. NDK includes tools and buildfiles required for generating native code libraries from C/C  . Embed the consistent native library into the application package files (i.e.. Apk files) that can be deployed on Android devices. A list of native system header files and libraries supporting all future Android platforms If you have more questions about NDK, you can go to the NDK forum to find the answers.)

