Androiddevelopmenttheand | android开发 2022-10-30 69 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Rexsee is an open source Android development platform. For Android mobile phones, touch screens and other terminal devices, it provides the underlying development and operation platform, as well as the expansion toolkit, simplifies the native Java development based on the SDK, and supports developers to standardize the Web development mode, that is, use HTML5 CSS3 Javascript to quickly achieve mobile use without understanding the native Java and Android development. Therefore, it can reduce the difficulty of technical realization and shorten the learning cycle; Android Engineer gt; Web engineers reduce the amount of development office work, shorten the development cycle, and control development resources; Construction period: 4 months gt; The construction period is 4 weeks, and the standardized development mode is opened. Many codes are reused and supported by third-party development frameworks; It supports the localization of programs, disconnects from the network, and facilitates management, control, operation and maintenance. Rexsee started its development in Q4, 2009, and opened the source at the end of October 2011. It also provides a comprehensive description of the extended API and specific source code. With Webkit as the core, the browser elements are saved in use to enhance the highly interactive features of HTML5 outside the browser; It has expanded nearly 2000 APIs and realized Android terminal functions through Javascript, covering more than 90% of native functions. Support Android native UI layout, and have a native user experience; It conforms to the W3C specification and is fully compatible with third-party JavaScript toolkits such as SenchaTouch and jQueryMobile; It provides different display shapes for cloud use and local use. It can run completely off the network without downloading and installing. This document includes the following annexes:
Open source Android uses the development platform Rexsee  rexseeReference.apk)


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