(Decompiling the Andoird toolset (with the decompilation process attached) is used by software developers. Maintaining code security is also one of the more important elements. But now Google Android platform has chosen the JavaDalvikVM method to make its programs easy to crack and repair. The first APK file is actually a zip package with MIME as ZIP. You can see the internal file framework by repairing the ZIP suffix, which is similar to the Jar compression format of SunJavaMe, However, the other is that the binary code on Android is compiled into Dex bytecode, and all Java files will eventually be compiled into this file. Since the virtual machine can recognize the safekeeping code, you can easily decompile it. All class calls and methods involved are played in it. The implementation of logic can be detected through real-time debugging. Of course, this requires the help of some tracking programs written by everyone. Google has set permissions on the Android Market to maintain the security of the app private folder, but after all, you can still get the required files using the fixed value system. The primary purpose of summarizing decompilation is to learn. Use decompilation to make relevant localization or repair, or try not to, after all, it is not easy for others to write a program!
Decompiling dex2jar- lib asm-debug-all-3.2.jar
Decompiling dex2jar- lib commons-io-2.0.jar
Decompile dex2jar- lib dex2jar-
Decompiling dex2jar- lib slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar
Decompile dex2jar- lib slf4j-simple-1.5.6.jar
Decompiling dex2jar- dex2jar-dump.bat
Decompiling dex2jar- dex2jar-dump.sh
Decompiling dex2jar- dex2jar.bat
Decompiling dex2jar- dex2jar.sh
Decompile dex2jar- LICENSE.txt
Decompile dex2jar- NOTICE.txt
Decompile dex2jar- setclasspath.bat
Decompile aapt.exe
Decompiling apktool.bat
Decompile apktool.jar
Decompile jd-gui.exe
Decompile Decompile Procedure.txt)