AndroidThe阅览基础 | android开发 2022-10-29 65 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(This resource is a PDF high-definition version with clear handwriting for easy reading. The basic Android tutorial is suitable for basic Android developers. It explains the core concepts and technologies of Android program design in a simple to deep, step-by-step way. The book not only vividly explains the basic knowledge of Android life cycle, user interface, 2D graphics, multimedia, and local data storage in combination with Sudoku game development cases, but also deeply discusses external communication, location-based services, built-in SQLite database, 3D graphics, multi touch, widgets, compatibility testing, and how to publish applications to the Android Market through the "Hello, Android" project. The first 13 chapters have a "Quick Reading Guide" at the end of the chapter. You can quickly find the information you need and work efficiently without reading the chapter in order. This document includes the following annexes:
Basic Android Tutorial.pdf

