(SQLite detailed parsing doesn't work well. There is no problem with detailed database parsing and reference, but there is no deleted part. I believe that newcomers will make the following attachments to this material:
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite db DateBaseHelper.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite MainActivity $1.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite MainActivity $2.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite MainActivity $3.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite MainActivity $4.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite MainActivity $5.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite MainActivity.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite R $attr.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite R $drawable.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite R $id.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite R $layout. class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite R $string.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin com SQLite R.class
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin classs.dex
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin resources.ap_
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well bin SQLite.apk
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well gen com SQLite R.java
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well res drawable-hdpi icon.png
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well res drawable-ldpi icon.png
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well res drawable mdpi icon.png
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well res layout main.xml
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well res values strings.xml
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well src com SQLite db DateBaseHelper.java
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well src com SQLite MainActivity.java
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well . Classpath
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well . Project
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well AndroidManifest.xml
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well default.properties
SQLite detailed parsing does not work well proguard.cfg