(Source code for gravity sensing, with specific comments. Suitable beginners can run with gravity sensing equipment
Gravity Sensing SensorTest bin com himi MainActivity.class
Gravity sensing SensorTest bin com himi MySurfaceView $1.class
Gravity Sensing SensorTest bin com himi MySurfaceView.class
Gravity induction SensorTest bin com himi R $attr.class
Gravity sensing SensorTest bin com himi R $drawable.class
Gravity induction SensorTest bin com himi R $layout. class
Gravity sensing SensorTest bin com himi R $string.class
Gravity induction SensorTest bin com himi R.class
Gravity sensing SensorTest bin classs.dex
Gravity sensing SensorTest bin resources.ap_
Gravity sensing SensorTest bin SensorTest.apk
Gravity sensing SensorTest gen com himi R.java
Gravity sensing SensorTest res drawable hdpi icon.png
Gravity sensing SensorTest res drawable ldpi icon.png
Gravity sensing SensorTest res drawable mdpi icon.png
Gravity sensing SensorTest res layout main.xml
Gravity Sensing SensorTest res values strings.xml
Gravity Sensing SensorTest src com himi MainActivity.java
Gravity Sensing SensorTest src com himi MySurfaceView.java
Gravity induction SensorTest . Classpath
Gravity Sensing SensorTest . Project
Gravity Sensing SensorTest AndroidManifest.xml
Gravity Sensing SensorTest default.properties)