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(Introduction to iOS Environment Construction and Development, in WORD format, 23 pages in total. 1、 Register APPLEID1. Download iTunes on Apple's official website. Official download address: apple/iTunes/download/2. Install iTunes. 3. Start iTunes and select iTunes store in the navigation bar. 4. Pull the display page to the bottom and select Manage gt; Change the country or region 5. Select to switch to the United States 6. Select to find FREEAPPS (free software), click FREEAPP, and then a dialog box will appear, and click "Create a new account". Double click Continue to fill in the registration information and related questions, and select Continue. 7. If you do not have a US credit card, you have to select "NONE". 8. When filling in the US address, please do not fill in the US address randomly, otherwise it will be easy to call back. You can use the following duty-free address<imgsrc="sad. gif" smilieid="2" border="0" alt=""/>To register, fill in Fairbanks for the address and city, and select AK Alaska for the state [this is at the top], [zipcode] Postcode: 99701, Tel: 907-6284234. 2、 Register developer account
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IOS Development Environment Setup.doc)


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