(For example, android classic code is only for beginners to learn and use, so don't read it again for old birds, little brother... This material includes the following attachments:
For example, alertDialog bin com test AlertActivity $1 $1.class
For example, alertDialog bin com test AlertActivity $1.class
For example, alertDialog bin com test AlertActivity.class
For example, alertDialog bin com test R $attr.class
For example, alertDialog bin com test R $drawable.class
For example, alertDialog bin com test R $id.class
For example, alertDialog bin com test R $layout. class
For example, alertDialog bin com test R $string.class
For example, alertDialog bin com test R.class
For example, alertDialog bin alertDialog.apk
For example, alertDialog bin classs.dex
For example, alertDialog bin resources.ap_
For example, alertDialog gen com test R.java
For example, alertDialog res drawable hdpi icon.png
For example, alertDialog res drawable ldpi icon.png
For example, alertDialog res drawable mdpi icon.png
For example, alertDialog res layout main.xml
For example, alertDialog res values strings.xml
For example, alertDialog src com test AlertActivity.java
For example, alertDialog . Classpath
For example, alertDialog . Project
For example, alertDialog AndroidManifest.xml
For example, alertDialog default.properties
For example, animation bin com test AnimateDrawable.class
For example, animation bin com test AnimationActivity $AnimationView.class
For example, animation bin com test AnimationActivity.class
For example, animation bin com test PictureLayout. class
For example, animation bin com test ProxyDrawable.class
For example, animation bin com test R $attr.class
For example, animation bin com test R $drawable.class