(There are a lot of UI menu design information and code here, which will be very helpful for interface design. This document includes the following annexes:
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob MainMenuView $1.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob MainMenuView $2.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob MainMenuView $3.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob MainMenuView $4.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob MainMenuView $MenuTitleAdapter.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob MainMenuView.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R $anim.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R $attr.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R $color.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R $drawable.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R $id.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R $layout. class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R $string.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin com unimob R.class
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin classs.dex
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin MainMenuView.apk
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo bin resources.ap_
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo gen com unimob R.java
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res anim menu_ in.xml
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res anim menu_ out.xml
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi bg.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi channelgallery_ bg.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi controller_ back.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi controller_ backward_ enable.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi controller_ forward_ enable.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi controller_ homepage.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi controller_ menu.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi controller_ showtype_ list.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi controller_ window.png
Imitate UCWEB interface source code UIMainDemo res drawable hdpi icon.png)