贴图Blend场景打包 | 各类素材 2022-03-12 283 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
资源类型:3D游戏素材 » 其它类素材 . 资源来源:网友投递
151816besxniudggf2q4g0.jpg 151816ctfjoqj3ttootn5s.jpg 151815u84682iihp1i44ip.jpg 151814mdo6eqrukk1ukwkg.jpg 151813u9fif3ip28o0i8xt.jpg 151813ckep5h595ta525rk.jpg 151812wppz46yw4mryde6b.jpg 151812l9d626wcd2znnrxm.jpg 151811xu5vpvvjabjapuv0.jpg

(Scene 3D model maps are packaged in 18G for 8 scenes, all of which have blend, FBX and 3dmax2014 files. Some normals need to be flipped down, and the maps need to be specified by themselves, both at home and abroad. The owner of the map assignment scheme provides a reference and gives it away together with resources. Blend is needed,)


下一篇:仿LOL 28个场景 3Dmax/U3D/unity手游模型