Androiddevelopment开发游戏 | Unity3D 2022-10-27 85 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(... Now we will implement the onFling action of gesture recognition. In CwjView, we inherit from the View class. Of course, we can implement touch from higher level interfaces such as TextView// Calculate the sliding interval if (Math. abs (dx) gt; MAJOR_ MOVEMath.abs(velocityX)gt; Math. Abs (velocityY)) {//Noise reduction management. If (velocityXgt; 0) {//To the right} else {//To the left} returntrue;} else {returnfalse;//Of course, you can manage velocityY to manage the upward and downward actions... Directory: Android game development One, Android game development Two, View and SurfaceViewAndroid game development Three, View Class Details of Android game development Four, Canvas and Paint instances, Android game development Five, Path and TypefaceAndroid game development Six, Custom ViewAndroid game development Seven, Custom SurfaceViewAndroid game development Eight, SurfaceView class instance A Android Game Development Nine VideoView Class Analysis Android Game Development Ten Bitmap Rotation Android Game Development 11View Gesture Recognition Android Game Development 12Sensor Gravity Sensing Android Game Development 13Sensor Sensing Example Android Game Development 14 Game Development Practice - Android Game Development 15 Key Interruption Management Android Game Development 16 Asynchronous Music Playing Android Game Development 17 Picture Mutation Special Effect Android Game Development 18SoundPool Class Android Game On Send 19 resolution Daquan Android game development 20 pairs of event based capture
Android Game Development 20 Rounds.doc)

