Android使用DevelopmentChapter | android开发 2022-10-27 62 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(One copy of Android mobile development is enough for the original English version. Please note that it is the original English version. Don't download it if you don't like it!! Content introduction One Android Mobile Development Book is Enough, covering a comprehensive topic of Android development from concept, technology to commercial promotion and use, including: Android overview, essence of Android user program design, essence of Android user interface design, commonly used Android APIs, more Android user program design principles, external release of your Android user program and appendix 7 parts. The appendix also includes instructions for using common tools for Android development (such as emulators, DDMS, debugging bridges, Eclipse, SQLite, etc.). "One Android Mobile Development Book is Enough" is not only suitable for Android application developers to read, but also provides guidance for QA testers. Other "One Android Mobile Development Book is Enough" can also help project managers better manage project progress and project teams, help business promoters better master business, and create impressive sales results. Directory Part 1 Overview of Android? Chapter 1 Introduction to Android? Chapter 2 Build your Android development environment? Chapter 3 Preparation? The first Android user program The second part essence of Android user program design? Chapter 4 Analyze Android Application? Chapter 5 Use the AndroidManifest file to define the application? Chapter 6 Managing and Using Program Resources Part 3 essence of Android User Interface Design? Chapter 7 Exploring User Interface Screen Elements? Chapter 8 Use Design User Interface? Chapter 9 Drawing and Animation Part 4 Use Common Android API? Chapter 10 Using Android Data and Storage APIs? Chapter 11 Using Content Providers to Share Data between User Programs
Android_ Wireless_ Application_ Development_ (2nd_2011)_ Addison_ Wesley.pdf)

