(The unzipped package contains 49 Android source codes, which are all my references and difficulties in actual projects. Collected from various resource websites and android forums, it is of great value for collection. Examples include: file upload on Android, contact, TastManager, AndroidWeatherForecast, AndroidMediaPlayer, SpeakMessageService, CamMoniter, Snake, ActivityGroup, AndroidEmulator, the use of Android ADB tools, and Animation_ Activity,Animation_ Demo,Camera_ Demo1,CameraTest. Download_ Demo, DemoGeneralForm, SpashScreen, ViewFlipperDemo, ContentProviderDemo, Logcatkit, LumaQQ, Popupwindow (3 for example), HandlerDemo, SlipTabAct, SurveyForm, TabActivity, TransparentPopupWindowDemo (2 for example) Imitate the Ucweb menu, WaterWaveDemo, running lantern, bubble function GoogleMapTest, page preview (the website preview will be displayed when the mouse is over the hyperlink), Dec Other incidentals include the source code of the book (the second edition of the Android SDK development model). I hope it will be effective for everyone.
12_ Snake.rar
1_ pictureviewer.rar
2_ filebrowser.rar
3_ contact.rar
4_ taskmanager.rar
Download addCallbackBuffer usage camera android such as Daquan. zip
5_ rockplayer.rar
6_ AndroidWeatherForecast.rar
7_ android-mediaplayer.rar
8_ SpeakMessageService.rar
9_ CamMonitor.rar
ActivityGroup Boutique. zip
Android_ 1.0_ eBook_ by_ tom_ kao.rar
Android developers should be familiar with several things, such as. rar
Android ADB tool. rar
Animation_ activity_ Demo.rar
edittext_ OnKeyDown-IMEDemo2.7z
ex07_ activity_ intent.rar
ex08_ 1_ ContentProvider.rar
ex08_ 2_ contentProvider.rar
ex10_ service.rar