Androidthe可视化设计 | android开发 2022-10-27 34 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(There are two visual interface designers for Android based on JavaSwing. We can use it to generate messy AndroidLayoutXML files. According to the author, there is a good correspondence between Android Layout and SwingLayout. The code of the designer is still relatively simple to write. Under Android, high-end components are configured and written through xml, and then the program loads the xml resource and displays it on the screen. Although the official IDE plug-in is provided, it is more convenient to modify the xml, but it is still very inconvenient to use, because you cannot see and get the design interface. Fortunately, there are enthusiastic friends who have written more convenient tools to save the small programmers who are in deep trouble.
Android_ DroidDraw_ UI Visual Designer.pdf)


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