AndroidLearning学习SHARETOP | android开发 2022-10-25 48 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Notes on Learning Android June 8, 2009 Is Android Linux based? The integrated operating environment of the V2.6 kernel. Initially, Android was deployed in the field of mobile phones, including smart phones and cheaper clamshell phones. However, any Android computing services and rich feature support can be extended beyond the mobile phone business. Android can also be used for other platforms and applications. In this article, read an introduction to the Android platform and learn how to write basic Android user programs. Blackberry and iPhone both provide popular, high-capacity mobile platforms, but they are used for two different spending groups. BlackBerry is the best choice for enterprise business users. However, as a cost device, it is difficult to compete with iPhone in terms of ease of use and "chic features". Android is a young platform to be developed. It has the potential to include two different spending groups of mobile phones at the same time, and may even reduce the difference between office and entertainment. Now, many network based or network supported devices run a Linux kernel. This is a solid platform that can be deployed and supported cost effectively, and can be directly used as an excellent design method for deployment. The UI of these devices is usually HTML based and can be detected through a PC or Mac browser. But not every device needs to be controlled by a conventional computing device. Imagine a traditional household appliance, such as an electric stove, microwave oven or bread maker. What if your home appliances are controlled by Android and have a color touch screen? If there is an Android UI on the electric stove, the controller can even cook something. In this article, understand the Android platform and how to use it for mobile and non mobile applications. Install the Android SDK and build a simple user program. Download the source code of the sample user program in this article. This document includes the following annexes:
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (1) - HelloWorld-SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (10) - Start a Sudoku Game [Chinese] - SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (11) - Start a Sudoku Game [Part 2] - SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (12) - Start a Sudoku Game [Supplement] - SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (2) - Getting Started with Activity-SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (3) - Life Cycle of Activity - SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (4) - Learn about the use of Intent-SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (5) - Simple Experience for ListActivity - SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (6) - Simple Experience for Dialog - SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (7) - Experience for Service and Notification - SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm
Android Learning Notes  Android Learning Notes (8) - GridView and ImageView-SHARETOP-CSDNBlog.htm

