(Developed in Android Studio, the gradle environment is 2.2.3, basically realizing the taobao function: 1: image detection, not only needs to slide left and right, but also needs to be expanded and reduced. This function gives play to the information transmission between 2: Fragment and Activity in Baby Profile, and this function gives play to the multiple deletion of 3: Arraylist data in the home page by clicking to browse in the shopping cart, using the reverse order deletion method, This function is used in the shopping cart deletion function. 4. Serial problems after the selection of CheckBox presented in the shopping cart are managed using the ScrollView nested ListView method. This function is used in the shopping cart. 5. Scan the code, obtain the default NFC controller, and pull down xListView to refresh and load more
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia copyright profiles_ settings.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia guidelines liuting.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia inspectionProfiles profiles_ settings.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia inspectionProfiles Project_ Default.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries aseo2. xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries core.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries cu_ volley.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries httpcore.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries support_ annotations_ 25_ 0_ 0.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries support_ compat_ 25_ 0_ 0.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries support_ core_ ui_ 25_ 0_ 0.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries support_ core_ utils_ 25_ 0_ 0.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries support_ fragment_ 25_ 0_ 0.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries support_ media_ compat_ 25_ 0_ 0.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test . Ia libraries support_ v4_ 25_ 0_ 0.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia compiler.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia encodings.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia gradle.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia misc.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia modules.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia runConfigurations.xml
Copying taobao source code MyTaobaoTest . Ia workspace.xml
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test app build generated source buildConfig androidTest debug com jarvis mytaobaotest test BuildConfig.java
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test app build generated source buildConfig debug com jarvis mytaobaotest BuildConfig.java
Copying taobao source code MyTaobaoTest app build generated source r debug com jarvis mytaobaotest R.java
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test app build intermediaries assets debug play_ display.png
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test app build intermediaries assets debug play_ hide.png
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test app build mediates blue res debug multi drawable-hdpi.json
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test app build mediates blue res debug multi values.json
Copying Taobao source code MyTaobao Test app build mediates blue res debug single anim.json
..... Too many files omitted)