Ice化生IceAndroidAppIceGlacier2 | Jsp/Servlet 2022-10-20 70 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(ZerocIce is an old high-performance multilingual RPC framework, known as the Ice of Rebellion and the King of RPC. This video tutorial covers the micro service architecture, introduction to Ice, IceBox development, IceGrid actual combat, MycatIce customized framework explanation, IceDocker based production deployment, Ice two-way communication, IceGlacier2 gateway, IceAndroidApp development, Ice best practices and other aspects. The commentary will be divided into 15 class hours, and has been uploaded to Section 01-05. Other chapters or compressed files with sub volumes can be downloaded at this address:/11353086/up/2)


下一篇:Zeroc ice 微服务架构-01节