支持Supportsupports定义 | Applet 2022-10-19 95 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(It supports user-defined models, which are defined by templates rather than background functions. One model content supports user-defined categories. For example, the article model supports topics, classifications, labels, and other categories. Support multiple template engines, acquiesce in the use of Freemarker, template makers can use other engines, such as thymeleaf, to contrast, together support background online template modification, support multiple database types, can configure different databases to support multiple modifiers, background visual modification and markdown modification can switch freely, acquiesce in supporting online image modification, code highlighting and other functions. Support plug-in. A few lines of code can end the development of a plug-in, git There are already helloworld instances of plug-ins on OSChina and github. Support customized URL and website content URL. API support, facilitating APP or other third parties to call data. World support, using JPress to easily create websites in any language. The minimalist SEO function allows you to set SEO separately for each article, category, and label, and supports sitemap output. The user registration supports email and SMS verification. Currently, SMS service providers only support Alibaba Big Fish. CDN settings are supported, including Qiniu, Alibaba Cloud, and Youpai Cloud. Uploaded images support watermark settings. Uploaded images are automatically cut into multiple image sizes required by the template to ensure that the image display will not stretch. User login supports third-party login,)

