alipay异步postthe | TCP/IP协议栈 2022-10-19 76 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Alipay tells the page source code synchronously and asynchronously. I see many ways to connect to Alipay, for example, but none of them have written the function of callback to their website after successful payment. Here is the code for your reference. Note that asynchronous callback is a post method. When Alipay cannot adjust this method, it will send post requests continuously for 48 hours. Therefore, you must write correctly if you want to write. Otherwise, Alipay will post every payment for two days. With the business expansion, Alipay may occupy a lot of bandwidth. All jats need AlipayNotify To verify, you need to request a key from alipay (the specific method alipay is very clear), otherwise the verification will not pass. Tags: Spring can't solve it. Come to our Love Open Source and see if there are materials or software, tutorials, patches, source code, etc. you need)

