information可通信息the | Jsp/Servlet 2022-10-11 93 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(It mainly includes the following functions: (1) Home page of the website: including user login, website announcement, query: relevant information can be found in the fastest way through mobile phone brand and mobile phone type. (2) Publish mobile phone information: fill in brand, type, purchase date, old and new degree, upload photos, daily rent and other information. (3) Lease tracking: You can obtain the relevant information after renting mobile phones through the lease number. (4) My information: including user name, password, real name, gender, address, contact method, etc. (5) Message board: Through this function. The lessee can feed back the post lease experience here. (6) System background: administrators can enter the system background through the background to operate, including system properties, repair password, user management, mobile information management, lease management, system announcement, message board management and other functional modules.)


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