测试interface接口课时 | Jsp/Servlet 2022-10-11 84 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Many people will ask how to do interface testing? Do you have relevant information? The interface test is not as messy as you think, so this course will lead you to occupy TA step by step. Applicable to test engineers, performance testers, automation testers, etc. Session 1: What is the interface? Session 2: Interface test document specification Session 3: HTTP interface testing practice - the first method Session 4: HTTP interface testing practice - the second method Session 5: HTTP interface testing practice - writing code without tools Session 6: webservice interface testing practice - the first method Session 7: webservice interface testing practice - the second method Session 8: webservice interface testing practice - the third method Session 9: interface testing Introduction to auxiliary tools and thrift interface)

