servletSession使用use | Jsp/Servlet 2022-10-09 82 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Servlet introduction, Servlet life cycle, detailed servlet configuration, analysis of access servlet path, use of ServletConfig and servlet initialization parameters, use of ServletContext, system initialization parameters, web resource acquisition, use of HttpServletResponse and HttpServletRequest, use of HTTP protocol in web development, use of request conversion and redirection, use of cookies and cookies, use of HttpOnly cookies, Cookies enable products to read history records, cookies enable users to remember user names and passwords, session and session domain use, session tracking mechanism, session to prevent repeated submission of forms, MD5 algorithm and its use, and session durability. Learning is the best investment. For more free videos, please log in to Tuoyue Teaching txjava for free download)

