52ky 发表于 2022-10-1 20:52:23

《Flex on Java》英文原版教程


(Official Java development engineer QQ group (27163376), please enter your ID for verification. ADOBEFLASHBUILDER 4.0 and JAVA development Together, Flex and Java make a powerful web development platform -- the length of the strengths of Java on the server with the expertise of Flex on the front end FlexonJavaisauniquebookthatteachesyouhowtoworkwithFlexinconcertwiththefullarrayofJavatechnologies:Spring,POJOs,JMS,andotherstandardtools.YoualsolearnhowtointegrateFlexwithserver-sideJavaviaBlazeDSremoting.Almostallthecarefullyannotatedexamplesusefreeoropensourcesoftware.
Flex_ on_ Java.pdf)

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