52ky 发表于 2022-9-29 09:40:01



(This complete book includes up-to-date information, reflecting the latest composition of the C   specification library included in the ANSI/ISO C   language specification specification. More specifically, the book focuses on canonical template libraries, testing containers, iterators, functors, and algorithms in between. Readers will also find special content, strings, numeric types, globalization issues, and IOStream. Each element is presented in depth, including its introduction, design, usage examples, detailed explanations, pitfalls, unexpected risks, and precise notation and definition of related classes and functions. Table of contents... Rational (Hou Jie translation) Meng Yan translation preface to the table of contents thanks 1. Used in this book 2. Introduction to C   and its standard library 3. General concepts 4. General tools 5. StandardTemplateLibrary (STL, standard template library) 6. STL container (STLContainer) 7. STL iterators (STLItators) 8. STL functors (functors) (also known as function targets, functionobjects) 9. STL algorithm (STLAlgorithms) 10. Special containers (SpecialContainers) 11. Strings (strings) 12. Numerics 13. With StreamClasses 14. Internationalization (i18n) 15. Space Configurator (Allocator) Resource bibliography index on the network
C   specification library (simplified scan)..pdf)

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