《More Effecitve C++》中文版:使用C++进行程序设计的高效方法
(To verify please enter your ID. This book specifically discusses the efficient method of using C for programming through the method of example. The content includes partition pointers, citations, type conversions, operators, exceptions, efficiency, citation counts, generation/l classes, and virtual functions. The content of this book is rich, detailed and clear, the author is authoritative and experienced, and it is a must-read for C programmers. About the author: Meyers, (Scott Meyers) has a Ph.D. His "EffectiveC two volumes" ("EffectiveC" and "MoreEffectiveC"), pioneered a new style of technical book writing. He has served as a columnist for "CReport" magazine and writes frequently for "C/CUsersJournal" and "Dr.Dobb#39;sJournal".
More_Effective_C Chinese.pdf)