BackTrack5 中文指南【最新版】
2011年5月11日,BackTrack发布了最新的BackTrack5,关于无线安全的检测才能更为强悍,当然BackTrack不仅仅是用来Z争驾驶,还集成了包括Metasploit等200多种安全检测工具,此外很多的RFID工具也是一个亮点。backtrack5的最新版中文使用指南,对BT5的一些安装和使用进程进行理解说。(On May 11, 2011, BackTrack released the latest BackTrack 5, which is more powerful for wireless security detection. Of course, BackTrack is not only used for war driving, but also integrates more than 200 security detection tools including Metasploit, and many others. RFID tools are also a highlight. The latest Chinese user guide of backtrack5 explains some installation and usage processes of BT5.)