批管理(Batch),也称为批管理脚本。望文生义,批管理即是对某目标进行批量的管理。批管理文件的扩展名为bat。现在比较常见的批管理包括两类:DOS批管理和PS批管理。PS批管理是基于强悍的图像编辑软件Photoshop的,用来批量管理图像的脚本;而DOS批管理则是基于DOS命令的,用来自动地批量地执行DOS命令以实现特定操作的脚本。本书籍具体介绍了内容,是现在最佳的批管理学习教材!(Batch management (Batch), also known as batch management script. As the literal meaning is, batch management is the batch management of a target. The extension of batch management files is bat. Now the more common batch management includes two categories: DOS batch management and PS batch management. PS batch management is based on the powerful image editing software Photoshop, which is used to manage images in batches; while DOS batch management is based on DOS commands, and is used to automatically execute DOS commands in batches to achieve scripts for specific operations. This book specifically introduces the content, and is now the best batch management learning teaching material!)