一个ssh2的登录验证 程序
一个简单有效的ssh2结构的程序源码,使用mysql数据库,程序完整,希望对初学者有效,程序测试通过。有空多交换。qq:22741356.别的因为上传限制,所以把lib里的jar包删除了,有需要的能够找我。本着共享的方法,我为人人,人人为我。(A simple and effective program source code of ssh2 structure, using mysql database, the program is complete, I hope it is effective for beginners, and the program test is passed. There is room for more exchanges. qq: 22741356. In addition, because of upload restrictions, the jar package in the lib has been deleted, and you can find me if you need it. In a shared approach, I am for everyone and everyone is for me.)