万能脱壳机 中文版
国/外很闻名的一款脱壳机,功能很不错,他姓名说是全能脱壳机,其实不是全能的,可是能脱掉很大一部分的壳,比百度上撒播的所谓的垃圾脱壳机要好用的多,也基本上算是全能了,哈哈。我分别提供了我汉化后的软件和原版的软件,供大家自由选择!!!(A very well-known shelling machine abroad, with very good functions. His name says it is an all-around shelling machine, but it is not all-powerful, but it can take off a large part of the shell, which is better than the so-called garbage shelling spread on Baidu. The machine is much easier to use, and it is basically almighty, haha. I have provided my finished software and the original software respectively, for everyone to choose freely! ! !)