这个小工具能够发送自定义的ICMP,UDP和TCP数据包,并接收所有反应信息。它的灵感来源于ping命令,但其功能远远超越ping。它还包括一个小型的路由跟踪模块,并支持IP分段。此工具能够在常用工具无法对有防火墙维护的主机进行路由跟踪/ping/探测时大显身手。它常常能够帮助您找出防火墙的规则集,当然还能够通过它来学习TCP/IP协议,并作一些IP协议的实验。(This gadget is able to send custom ICMP, UDP and TCP packets and receive all response information. It is inspired by the ping command, but its capabilities go far beyond ping. It also includes a small traceroute module and supports IP segmentation. This tool can be useful when common tools cannot trace/ping/probe a host with a firewall. It can often help you find out the rule set of the firewall, of course, you can also learn the TCP/IP protocol through it, and do some experiments on the IP protocol.)