免费上网,只需你邻近能搜到无线网络,就能蹭网当然不是百分之百就能全面破解密码只需你有满足的耐性和一部好字典也未尝不可,里边有破解方法和ISO文件你能够刻成光碟或做成u盘引导。声明本技术文档仅仅学习交换,请不要用于商业利益。(不明白当地能够和我交换,总资源25个不好意思我没那么大权限一次上传)(Free Internet access, as long as you can find a wireless network nearby, you can use the Internet Carved into a CD or made into a u-disk boot. It is stated that this technical document is only for learning exchange, please do not use it for commercial interests. (I don’t understand that the local can exchange with me. The total resources are 25. Sorry, I don’t have so much authority to upload at one time))