你有没有被局域网的人限速,特别在企业或宿舍里,常常遇到一些很自私的人,他们常常为了自个的享用而随意限制我们的网速。这份文件比较清楚的介绍我们如何避免这些攻击,很恰当我们的实际。(没有PDF软件的兄弟能够到我那儿下载。只有6M大小,并且很漂亮和人性化,最主要的是它破解)科贸行业学院-------大师兄(Have you ever been limited by people on the LAN? Especially in enterprises or dormitories, you often encounter some very selfish people who often limit our network speed at will for their own enjoyment. This document describes how we can avoid these attacks more clearly, which is very suitable for our actual situation. (Brothers who do not have PDF software can download from me. Only 6M in size, and very beautiful and user-friendly, the most important thing is that it is cracked) Science and Trade Industry College ------- Big Brother)