Windows 2003安全配置
一、Windows2003安全配置二、IIS的安全配置三、删去WindowsServer2003默许共享四、清空远程可访问的注册表途径五、关闭不必要的端口六、根绝不合法访问使用程序七、设置和管理账户八、网络服务安全管理九、打开相应的审阅策略十、其它安全相关设置十一、配置IIS服务:十二、配置Sql服务器十三、假如只做服务器,不进行其它操作,使用IPSec十四、建议十五、运行服务器记录当时的程序和打开的端口(1. Windows2003 security configuration 2. IIS security configuration 3. Delete WindowsServer2003 default share 4. Clear remote accessible registry methods 5. Close unnecessary ports 、Network service security management 9. Open the corresponding review policy 10. Other security related settings 15. Run the server to record the program and open ports at that time)