恐怕从一开始,人就具有了保存隐秘的本能。想想看,自你有回忆开,是不是就已开始做这样的办公?这是一种很自然的人类行为。大家总有、并且一向都有一些隐秘。这些隐秘要么只能由自个把握,要么由自和自个许可的人把握。要想保密,最简单的行为即是不把它通知他人。认识“隐秘”的人越多,泄秘的可能性越大,最终隐秘将不成其为隐秘。1.1加密前史在古代,保存一项隐秘似乎要容易一些,由于只要少数人才有读书、写字的特权。假如一项隐秘是书写下来的,那么只要数量很少的人才认识它是什么意思。通过限制大家学习书写文字,便可做到保密。然而,这种保密机制明显具有很大的局限性。随着不断增加的人把握了读写文字的才能,越来越有必要在这些人中间保存隐秘。这种需要在战Y期间益发火急。虽然真实交兵的人可能大多数都是文盲,但那些启动战Y的小丑却并非如此。并且战Y两边无疑都会雇佣一些可以读写敌方言语的战士。想来,古代Z场上的戎行通信或许即是加密术的来源吧!(I am afraid that from the beginning, people have the instinct to keep secrets. Think about it, have you started doing this kind of work since you have memories? This is a very natural human behavior. Everyone has, and always has, some secrets. These secrets can be grasped either only by oneself, or by oneself and one who allows oneself to grasp. The easiest way to keep it private is not to tell others about it. The more people who know the "secret", the greater the possibility of leaking, and eventually the secret will not be the secret. 1.1 Encryption History In ancient times, it seemed easier to keep a secret, because only a few people had the privilege of reading and writing. If a secret is written down, only a small number of people know what it means. Secrecy can be achieved by restricting everyone from learning to write. However, this secrecy mechanism obviously has great limitations. As an ever-increasing number of people acquire the aptitude for reading and writing, it becomes increasingly necessary to preserve secrecy among these people. This need intensified during the campaign. While the actual combatants may be mostly illiterate, the clowns who start the battle are not. And both sides of the battle will undoubtedly employ some warriors who can read and write the enemy's language. Come to think of it, the military communication on the ancient battlefield may be the source of encryption!)