HASP 3, 4, Hasp HL / Hardlock dump tools
HASP 3, 4, Hasp HL / Hardlock dump tools,Step-by-step instruction1.download and unpack tool to any empty folder (for ex. c:\temp)
2.close all active nonsystem applications
3.import hl-brut.reg file in registry
4 .run console by "Start" -> "Run..." -> cmd.exe -> "OK"
type next commands in console
c:\...>cd \temp
c:\temp>hldmp.exe /DUMP modad
modad must be valid ModAd for your key
also you can use dumper in brutforce mode to find key modad
c:\...>cd \temp
c:\temp>hldmp.exe /BF
wait until tool finishes work
restore registry with hl-orig.reg file