门课让你系统了解元宇宙,先人一步让你站在风口上!我们正处于互联网下一章的开端,这也是我们公司的下一章。”Meta创始人扎克伯格曾表示,“我们希望在未来十年之内,元宇宙覆盖10亿人、承载数千亿美元的数字业务,并为数百万创作者和开发者提供工作支持。(This course will allow you to systematically understand the metaverse, and let you stand on the cusp of being one step ahead of others! We're at the beginning of the next chapter of the internet, and it's the next chapter of our company. "Meta founder Zuckerberg once said, "We hope that within the next ten years, the Metaverse will cover 1 billion people, carry hundreds of billions of dollars in digital business, and provide work support for millions of creators and developers. .)