快来跟随大师换个角度学习算法,以解题竞赛的角度进行算法的强化学习。课程内容节奏非常快,要求学生有比较扎实的算法学习基础。学生完成一系列培训课程后,无论是在面试中拿到offer,还是为学习算法打下坚实的基础,还是在比赛中学习,都会有很大的帮助。帮助。(Come and follow the master to learn algorithms from a different angle, and carry out intensive learning of algorithms from the perspective of problem-solving competitions. The course content is very fast-paced and requires students to have a solid foundation in algorithm learning. After students complete a series of training courses, it will be of great help whether they get offers in interviews, lay a solid foundation for learning algorithms, or learn in competitions. help.)