槽槽说电影一年涨粉千万的方法公开!抖音粉丝800万全网1300万。单条作品百万赞以上30条两百万赞以上5条流量破亿3条,作品平均流量2000万流量制造机抖音粉丝800万全网1300万!跟他一起学习相信你也能受用颇多。(Caocao said that the method of increasing the number of fans of a movie by tens of millions a year is disclosed! Douyin has 8 million fans and 13 million on the whole network. A single work has more than 1 million likes and 30 works have more than 2 million likes and 5 streams have exceeded 300 million. I believe you can benefit a lot from studying with him.)