面对“压力”高考,你有把握考上理想的大学吗?面对模拟考试的成绩单,原本很高的总分是不是又被英语拖了后腿?面对让人头疼的英语成绩,你是不是有很多知识盲点想要弥补,却又不知从何下手?助您构建语法体系,了解语法全貌,真正领悟语法精髓!授课结合主动学习和应用,英语高分如此轻松!(Facing the "pressure" college entrance examination, are you sure you can get into your ideal university? Facing the report card of the mock exam, is the originally high total score held back by English? Faced with the headaches of English scores, do you have many knowledge blind spots that you want to make up for, but don't know where to start? Help you build a grammar system, understand the whole picture of grammar, and truly understand the essence of grammar! Combining lectures with active learning and application, high English scores are so easy!)