52ky 发表于 2023-2-27 14:46:10


沟通能力是另一个“可复制”的能力“可复制的领导力”之后的系列课程;内容提炼沟通原则,梳理沟通语境,提供沟通工具和使用方法。 【课程亮点】场景化内容:覆盖90%的沟通常见问题知识结构:多学科支持层层揭开沟通的神秘面纱

(Communication ability is another "reproducible" ability and a series of courses after "reproducible leadership"; the content refines communication principles, sorts out communication context, and provides communication tools and usage methods. Scenario-based content: Covering 90?f common communication problems Knowledge structure: Multi-disciplinary support uncovers the mystery of communication layer by layer)

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查看完整版本: [网盘]可复制的沟通课程