对于课程中提到的每一点,从公众号的定位、内容选择、粉丝增长、营销转化到用户管理等,都总结了大量特别实用实用的工具或方法。并拥有独特的“恶魔训练营”三种课堂模式,每一种方法背后都是高强度的实践训练+小助手1V1点评指导,保证大家可以用它来实践,获得实践能力的提升,而不是只听一堆案例,当然是一个鸡蛋.(For every point mentioned in the course, from official account positioning, content selection, fan growth, marketing conversion to user management, etc., a large number of particularly practical and practical tools or methods have been summarized. And it has three unique classroom modes of "Devil Training Camp". Behind each method is high-intensity practical training + 1V1 comment guidance from assistants, ensuring that everyone can use it to practice and improve their practical ability, not just Listen to a bunch of cases, of course an egg.)