从零开始学板绘,这是一个很漫长的过程,零基础自然得先从基础开始学习,步子大了容易扯到蛋,包含PS\SAI绘画软件操作介绍、线条练习方法、人体刻画流程、人体动态姿势、脸部五官画法、男女五官差异、各种头发画法、手和脚的画法。能够帮助同学们在开始正式课程的学习之前,了解并巩固好绘画基础!(Learning board painting from scratch is a very long process. If you have zero foundation, you must start from the basics first. If you take a big step, it is easy to get stuck. It includes the introduction of PS\SAI painting software operation, line practice methods, human body depiction process, Human body dynamic postures, facial features, differences between men and women, various hair styles, hands and feet. It can help students understand and consolidate the basics of painting before starting formal courses!)