这套课程适合所有想提高记忆力和学习能力的人。从基本的记忆理论知识到系统的记忆方法,再到最后的实际记忆训练,都有详尽的讲解。希望本书能帮助你有效提高记忆力。不只是停留在临时填鸭的记忆环节,而是真正训练大脑,达到高效记忆的目的。(This set of courses is suitable for everyone who wants to improve their memory and learning skills. From basic memory theory knowledge to systematic memory methods, to the final practical memory training, there are detailed explanations. I hope this book can help you effectively improve your memory. Not just staying in the memory link of temporary cramming, but really training the brain to achieve the purpose of efficient memory.)