为什么越来越多的人觉得设计难,是因为没有跟上迭代的速度。他们之间的联系要到下班后才能被发现。有艺术功底是一件特别幸运的事情。这里说的幸运,绝对不是在工作中画油画或者素描,而是拿到设计方案的时候,可以亲手画出来。立即草拟草稿,直观地向客户和领导展示你的想法。如果出稿方向不对,可以及时调整方向,避免无用功,大大提高工作效率。(The reason why more and more people find design difficult is because they have not kept up with the speed of iteration. Their connection won't be discovered until after hours. It is a very lucky thing to have artistic skills. The luck mentioned here is definitely not drawing oil paintings or sketches at work, but when you get the design plan, you can draw it by yourself. Create drafts in no time and present your ideas visually to clients and leaders. If the direction of the manuscript is wrong, you can adjust the direction in time to avoid useless work and greatly improve work efficiency.)