[网盘]Procreate 基础知识视频教程
你遇到过这样的情况吗?每次看到别人画的插画,就心痒痒的,特别想画,或者用Procreate临摹了一段时间后想尝试创作,但常常心疼不做知道从哪里开始!课程采用循序渐进、系统化的教学方式,让你高起点入门,自由创作。从此,别人可以自己画画,自己画画,自己有了创作的好创意,就可以尽情发挥。(Have you ever encountered such a situation? Every time I see illustrations drawn by others, I feel itchy, and I really want to draw, or I want to try to create after copying with Procreate for a while, but I often feel distressed and don’t know where to start! The course adopts a step-by-step and systematic teaching method, allowing you to start from a high starting point and create freely. From then on, others can paint and paint by themselves, and they can give full play to their own creative ideas.)