室内设计全案例教学,从分析到规划,从平面图到立面图,结合透视,快速一一展现所有平面图。整个案例设计是在做好设计的前提下,在预算范围内实施设计。从设计阶段、施工阶段、软装安装阶段,让业主当掌柜,钱花在了哪里,一清二楚。(Full case teaching of interior design, from analysis to planning, from plan to elevation, combined with perspective, quickly show all plans one by one. The entire case design is based on the premise of a good design and implementation of the design within the budget. From the design stage, construction stage, and soft decoration installation stage, let the owner be the shopkeeper, and it is clear where the money is spent.)